

What You Should Know About Advanced Periodontal Disease}

What You Should Know About Advanced Periodontal Disease



Michael Selvon

Did you know that gum disease can occur in stages? The final stage of gum disease is referred to as advanced periodontal disease. It occurs normally after treatment has failed or no treatment has been taken at all. When gum disease is this advanced, the fibers and bones that are around the teeth have been destroyed.

This can cause severe problems, as well as causing loose teeth or causing the teeth to shift in the mouth. It is possible to correct gum disease, even sometimes in the final stages, but only with aggressive treatments. If the aggressive gum disease treatments do not work, then the teeth will have to be removed.While understanding the outcome of the advanced stage of periodontal disease is good, it is important to know how this condition begins. Medical information shows that most gum disease begins when proper care of the teeth and gums is not taken. Tartar and plaque form at the base of the teeth and gum line. This can cause swollen gums and cause pockets to form in the spaces between the gums and teeth. The plaque and tartar then begin to fill the pockets and are trapped there by soft tissue. Over a period of time, the bacterium that is contained in the plaque will cause infection and possible tooth abscesses. If an abscess happens, then this increases the rate at which the destruction of the bone occurs. Practicing good oral hygiene is the way to prevent periodontal disease. Daily brushing and flossing of the teeth, along with getting regular dental checkups and having your teeth professionally cleaned, can go a long way in keeping them healthy. If an individual has gingivitis, then this can also lead to the advanced, stage two periodontitis. Making sure that treatment is received for gingivitis can ensure that it does not develop into the more serious condition. Taking the steps to prevent gum disease is the best way to make sure that you never have to have tooth replacement or dental work for reversing gum disease from periodontitis. It is highly important to take care of the gums and teeth. Most people don’t think much about losing their teeth, especially if they have healthy gums and teeth. Yet if steps are not taken to keep them healthy, then this condition can develop, which without treatment will lead to advanced periodontal disease. Another way to keep your teeth healthy and intact is by scheduling regular visits with your general dentist. The dentist can tell you if any signs of unhealthy teeth or gums are present and if you may be developing gum disease.

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What You Should Know About Advanced Periodontal Disease}

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